Quick and dirty Startup-Tutorial

First, you need a server. In most environments you have to set up your own:
                For Linux: type neve/dist/bin/startserver.sh in a dedicated x-terminal.

Next, you need a client to view what you discovered in your network:  
               For Linux:  type neve/dist/bin/starclient.sh & in a shell.

Well, now everything should have started up. If not, check if everything is installed correctly:
Java and Java3D is needed and the classpaths have to be set correctly.

In the actual version, you have to use a webbrowser to take control of your visualisation:
type http://localhost:9090 in your webbrowser to see every object on the visualisationserver.
They are sorted. In Neve.Managementanwendungen you will find the installed network applications.
Try a traceroute by clicking the link name=Tracerouter, entering a URL in the field and pressing traceroute.
Of course, you'll have to wait. A traceroute takes time.
After the process has finished ("Traceroute successfull") you need to do a layout of the visualisation. Go
Back to Agent view
and se the name=LayoutService application in Neve.Base for this. Enter 100 Iterations in doLayout
and press the Button or Return. Wait untill it finished.
Now you can enable the connection to the visualisationserver in the clientwindow and you will see your traceroute.
By using your mouse and the functionality in view Behaviour you can now navigate in the 3D-visualisation.

Now you are ready to try the rest of the functions like the HTTPExample or the VLANExample.

The next step is to create your own visualisationfunctions and objects. How this is done will be covered in a later tutorial.